Still Here

It’s been awhile, I know. We are still here, both of us. Kicking through life with good days and bad days like everybody else on the planet. What else can we do, right? Give up the fight? Not a chance. We are both too stubborn for that. I’ve slacked off of my writing, I know, I can feel it in my bones, I miss it, but honestly I’ve been a bit depressed and decided to keep that to myself. However, when I realized my last post was in October, I shocked myself. Time certainly flies!! Not a whole lot to report on cancer these days. Remission. Maintenance. John got to take a little pause from treatment in October and November, Doc CEO suggested it since John’s chemo brain was kicking in pretty hard, and the trial protocol allows for a break. It was a nice hiatus, but after returning to the monthly maintenance therapy, we notice the chemo brain rekindled. No fun. So we ruminate, “How much longer can we muck around in the maintenance drug?” “What are the long-term affects?”  We know the chemo brain will decline once the drugs are out of his system.  Tricky thoughts – so we sit with them.

We did experience another kind of hospital visit though – just to mix it up a bit. John sold some drums to buy new power tools because we are renovating the garage (don’t ask why, but we are, we do that kinda stuff). John likes to build things. One Sunday had him in his workshop working new shelves, while I cooked breakfast. I usually ring the porch bell to let him know when it’s time to eat.  Taters are cooking in the skillet and I’m no where close to ringing the bell when I notice him quick stepping toward the house. Uh-oh!! He takes his jacket off outside and is hiding a hand. I figure he has cut himself, and he says, “I cut my finger.” “How bad?” I asked. “Not sure” he says, “I haven’t looked at it yet.” I grab a roll of paper towels and off to the bathroom we go. He releases his finger and sticks it under the running water.  We get our first look. YUK!! Nope, I can’t do nothing for that! Gotta turn off the taters and high tail it to the emergency room! They cleaned him up, gave him pain meds, a stitch and send us home. He now has a quarter inch gash on the nip of his left index finger. Thankfully, his drum stick doesn’t rest there and he is slowly, very slowly getting some feeling back. But, he may never get all of the feeling back. And the hits keep coming 🙂

On a much lighter and fun side of life. November took us to Texas to visit with the Whitehead tribe where we relished in big fun, great weather and not quite enough family hang time. Seems like there is never enough time to enjoy family when we are geographically challenged. Yet another thought we sit with. We visited Kentucky for Thanksgiving which brought about more family time, laughter and future planning. December and all the holiday activity was lively, uplifting and inspirational. We savored our love for each other, our family and friends. We adventured to Florida with my folks to help them get settled in their snow bird nest for the winter. We couldn’t have wished for a better trip. The weather was phenomenal, and we harvested the benefits of sunshine and warmer temperatures. Patsy came along too, and she loved walking the neighborhood every day taking in all the different smells and critters. We absorbed amazing sunsets over the lake, went to the beach where the ocean was rowdy, wild and beautiful, ate up delicious meals with family, climbed tangerine trees for juicy fruit, and truly enjoyed each and every moment. Awe, if only every day could be a vacation day! But, I guess they wouldn’t be as special if we experienced vacation every day (but I would like to give it a go sometime). We are grateful for vacation days, beautiful sunsets, love of family, security of employment, health, and the ability to still enjoy the beauty of life in every day responsibilities. It can be a struggle, yes, but if we seek, we can find beauty in the daily grind. For example, my tiny desk orchid, surrounded by florescent light and lawyers, she still blooms in beauty with only a sprinkling of water and love.

Do good, eat well, and take care my friends.
Much love and Happy 2019!!

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